We are missions organization

In a mission to fulfill the great commission. Our goal is simple: to connect missionaries with those who want to help.

There are three powerful ways to get involved: pray, donate, and go. Your prayers can lift up those in need and help us all find hope in difficult times. Your donations can provide critical support for our mission and make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. And if you feel called, we invite you to join us on the ground and experience the transformative power of service and love firsthand.


Projects & Missionaries.

Thanks for choosing to help. We’re supporting monthly
and yearly projects, and with your support, we can document and share their impact worldwide.

Join us in changing the lives of people all over the world for eternity.

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Paul & Jessica Gibson

Misionero: Paul y Jessica Gibson

Objetivo: atender a cerca de 2.275 pacientes con la entrega de 1.187 gafas,  realización de 270 cirugías ambulatorias, asistencia odontológica para 366 personas, actividades de fisioterapia para 190 pacientes, e inyecciones de vitamina B12 para 1.977 personas. Como siempre, el objetivo de estas actividades ha sido demostrar el Amor y la bondad de Dios; Además predicar el mensaje de Jesús en donde muchas otras personas fueron salvas y sanadas. 

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